(Bilevel) optimization, data analysis and forecasting
     Southampton, 3 - 4 July, 2017

Dr Samuel Fosso Wamba, PhD, is a Full Professor at the Toulouse Business School, France. He earned an MSc in Mathematics from the University of Sherbrooke in Canada, an MSc in e-commerce from HEC Montreal, Canada, and a PhD in industrial engineering for his work on RFID-enabled supply chain transformation from the Polytechnic School of Montreal, Canada. Prior, he was Associate Professor at The NEOMA Business School and Senior Lecturer at Wollongong University. His current research focuses on business value of IT, business analytics, big data, inter-organizational system (e.g. RFID technology) adoption and use, e-government, IT-enabled social inclusion, IT and talent management, supply chain management, electronic commerce and mobile commerce. He has published papers in a number of the proceedings of international conferences (IEEE, AMCIS, HICSS, ICIS, and PACIS) and in renowned international journals, including the European Journal of Information Systems, Production Planning and Control, the International Journal of Production Economics, Information Systems Frontiers, the International Journal of Production Research, the Business Process Management Journal, etc. He has been organizing special issues on IT-related topics for IS and OM journals including: Business Process Management Journal, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Medical Systems, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, The International Journal of Logistics Management, Production Planning & Control, International Journal of Production Research, Annals of Operations Research and International Journal of Operations & Production Management. He is CompTIA-RFID+ certified and can be contacted at [email protected].
More information at: http://fossowambasamuel.com/

TITLE OF TALK: Assessing Big Data Analytics-enabled Dynamic Capabilities impact on Supply Chain agility and Competitive Advantage

ABSTRACT: In this talk, a model of big data analytics (BDA)-enabled dynamic capabilities impact on supply chain agility and competitive advantage is developed. To test the proposed research model, we administered a survey to 281 supply chain middle managers with at least three years’ experience in BDA project in the USA. XLSTAT was used for data analysis. To detect the homogeneity of users’ behavior, a response-based procedure for partial least squares embedded into XLSTAT package is used. Main results, implications for research and practice are discussed.

School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton
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