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The University of Southampton
ADEPT – Advanced Devices by ElectroPlaTing

Analysis and characterisation

The ADEPT team has access to state of the art microscopy facilities, including the Electron Microscopy Research Technology Platform at the University of Warwick.

TEM cross section

Electron Microscopy

The ADEPT electron microscopy team is led by Richard Beanland, who has more than 25 years’ experience in delivering rapid characterisation of semiconducting and other materials for industry, supporting the complete product cycle from conception through product development and accelerated life test to field returns and failure analysis. By utilizing the vast array of electron microscopy equipment at the University of Warwick’s £27m microscopy facility, they deliver atomic resolution imaging and elemental mapping across the breadth of the ADEPT programme.

Raman spectroscopy

Molecular Spectroscopy

Tracking the presence and interactions of molecular species within the nanoscale pores is critical to delivering the necessary control to achieve high quality PCM, TE and IR detector materials. The nature of solvent in the pores greatly affects the conductivity and control growth of new materials and wall-solvent, wall-material, electrolyte-solvent and electrolyte-material interaction is crucial. This team provides specialist expertise in molecular spectroscopy (Raman, NIR and 2D-IR) required to understand this. This team is also ideally placed to support the work on HgCdTe detectors with advanced spectroscopic characterisation of the deposited materials, and is extremely well equipped for this work, with all of the apparatus required including a newly installed commercial 2D-IR spectrometer, several Raman and FTIR spectrometers and bespoke spectro-electrochemical cells, including high pressure versions capable of > 400 bar.

Measurement laboratory

Functional Characterisation

The functional properties of the deposited materials are measured in Southampton, under the guidance of Professors David Smith and Kees de Groot. Key measurements include:

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