Council for Allied Health Professions Research
CAHPR develops AHP research, strengthens evidence of value and impact, and enhances patient care
The council (CAHPR) was created by bringing together the Research Forum for Allied Health Professionals (RFAHP) and the Allied Health Professions Research Network (AHPRN).
The council's mission is to develop AHP research, strengthen evidence of the professions’ value and impact for enhancing service user and community care, and enable the professions to speak with one voice on research issues, thereby raising their profile and increasing their influence.
CAHPR is supported by 12 AHP organisations. (Listed below). The council comprises a strategy committee, a professoriate and a UK-wide regional hub network.
With excellent opportunities for learning, sharing, networking, collaborations and access to advice and support, CAHPR strengthens the professions’ research activities and outputs facilitating the translation of research findings into practice and education.
The Arts Therapies:
Have now become members of CAHPR.
Please find below a list of all CAHPR member organisations:
CAHPR develops AHP research, strengthens evidence of value and impact, and enhances patient care
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