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The University of Southampton
Alumni and supporters

Andrew Wolstenholme

BSc Civil Engineering, 1981

Andrew graduated in 1981
Andrew Wolstenholme

What was your first job after graduation?

Second Lieutenant, British Army.

What is your current job?

Chief Executive, Crossrail Ltd.

What were your main responsibilities and duties in your first job after graduation?

Leading a troop of tanks as part of an armed regiment in Germany and a platoon in Northern Ireland.

What are your main responsibilities and duties in your current job?

Leading Crossrail – a £16bn railway investment in London.

What have been some of the key moments in your career?

Leading Heathrow’s terminal 5 programme (£4.3bn) as Programme Director.

Do you feel that the University of Southampton and the course you studied here have helped you in your career?

Definitely. Obtaining a first class degree opened doors. Converting from a school leaver to a well-rounded, mature individual, ready for a career in industry was the real value of university.

What advice would you give to current and prospective students who desire a similar career to yours?

There is no substitute for hard work, which need not get in the way of a full university life.

What were your first impressions of the University of Southampton?

Probably confusing. As a way of life it was a huge step up from the planned world of school and home.

What made you decide to study at the University of Southampton?

Quality of the course and professors.

What made you decide to study your particular course?

Engineering as a route to leading major projects in industry – and doing things that really mattered.

Were you involved in any particular events/experiences/opportunities during your time at the University?

Every day. Meeting people.

What did you do as a student when not studying?

Sport, party and cooking. I seem to remember that I was the chairman of the university wine society. There were frequent trips to the theatre.

What did you like about Southampton as a place to live?

Near the sea, the Hamble River and the New Forest.

What advice would you give to prospective students looking to study your course at the University?

Engineering is fantastic degrees that will open doors to any career (not just engineering). Do not give up, even if the immediate future for the profession looks a little bleak.

What achievement are you most proud of since graduating?

Helping to unlock the potential this great engineering profession has in delivering a world we want to live in.

Can you sum up your experience at the University of Southampton in three words?

Forming career launchpad.

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