Msc Operational Research and Finance, 2021
I was very in the modules of my course and delivery at Southampton. The city was relatively quiet.
I enjoyed a serene atmosphere generally. I felt very safe even when I had to walk at night. I also got a great level of support academically and otherwise. I had amazing lecturers. What stood out for me was how well learned and recognised they were in their various fields.
My highlights were times spent in Building 58 with my course mates and moments spent with the Nigerian Society. I also had great times in the kitchen with my flatmates when we celebrated special days from our different culture together.
I enjoyed the exposure to people who had graduated before us during our weekly CORMSIS session coming to share their experiences and careers with us. It helped shaped my thoughts around a lot of things. I also enjoyed the fact that selecting our dissertation was a great way to prepare for interviews and we had a chance to decide what we were really interested in to work on.
The CORMIS sessions on my course covered all of these and it has been helpful so far.
I believe my degree has given me a foot in the door and exposed me to career paths and ideas and I didn’t think existed yet. I believe my career path is still being developed but I can say confidently that mu degree has helped to shape it better than what it was before I started.
I look forward to leading major change change management projects within organisations and also be a key contributor to process improvement plans. Beyond this I hope to create a platform where people can access opportunities which would be useful in developing themselves individually and professionally.