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The University of Southampton
Special Collections

MS 355 Papers of Milton Leitenberg

Milton Leitenberg

Milton Leitenberg is a senior research scholar at the Center for International and Security Studies (CISSM), University of Maryland, where he has worked since 1989. He is one of America’s leading scientific experts on biological weapons. His academic training was in biology and chemistry and he worked for a number of years as a researcher and academic at Albert Einstein Medical School, Department of Neurology, Vassar College; Northeastern University, and Washington University, St. Louis, before turning to the subject of arms control in 1966. In January 1968 he joined the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), where he wrote on strategic weapons systems for the SIPRI yearbooks (1968-72) and contributed to The Problem of Chemical and Biological Warfare (6 vols., SIPRI, 1971-3). He was visiting research fellow at the Swedish Institute for International Affairs in Stockholm, 1972-4, spent five years at the Center for International Studies at Cornell University and held visiting professorships at both Cornell University, and at the Paterson Graduate School of International Studies, Carleton University, in Ottawa.

About the collection

Personal research files, collected printed material and publications, and oral history interviews concerning arms control and related subjects, gathered by Milton Leitenberg. These comprise newspaper cuttings, articles, periodicals, research and conference papers, reports, press releases, news compilations, speeches, extracts from the Congressional Record and papers relating to Committees of the US Senate and House of Representatives, extracts from books, bibliographies, on topics including: the Test Ban, the Test Ban Treaty, SALT, strategic balance, disarmament, anti-ballistic missiles (ABM), the Strategic Defense Inititative (SDI), missiles, bombers, nuclear tests, peaceful uses of nuclear explosions, ‘plowshare’, atmospheric nuclear test detection, Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament; Conference of the Committee on Disarmament; Conference on Disarmament; the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; the Limited Test Ban Treaty; nuclear weapons, seismology, and satellites, 1950s-2005; with 23 audio cassette tapes made by Leitenberg of personal interviews with individuals in the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations on the subject of the Test Ban, 1971, 1973; 4 audio cassette tapes of an oral history discussion between members of the Kennedy administration on the negotiations leading up to the Limited Test Ban Treaty in 1963, and its legacy, n.d. [c.?1970s]; transcripts and positive microfilm copies of transcripts of interviews made in 1964-6 with individuals who knew and worked with John Foster Dulles (US Secretary of State under Eisenhower), made as part of the John Foster Dulles Oral History Project, Princeton University Library.

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Former references:



54 boxes; includes 27 audio cassette tapes; 6 microfilms

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