The University of Southampton

Guidance for staff and students regarding the proposed UCU strike

Some colleagues and students will be aware that UCU has indicated an intention for its members to take strike action on 22 and 24 March. This follows ballots in respect of two separate disputes – on the 2010 pay award and on proposed changes to USS pensions. If this form of action goes ahead‚ university campuses across England (22 March‚ pensions only) and the UK (24 March‚ pay and pensions) would be affected.

Guidance for staff

The University respects the right of a UCU member to take such action but it is hoped that support for students will be a major consideration over these two days. As such‚

 senior managers are asking staff who intend to strike to kindly make them aware of this in advance in order that alternative arrangements for student or external facing activities can be made as required.

The University’s policy on withholding pay in such circumstances is set out at USS contributions would be maintained on these days so that there is no risk of a break in pensionable service for individuals involved in the action.

Guidance for students

The University is committed to protecting the experience of our students. Last week the Vice-Chancellor met with the Students’ Union to discuss the possible impact of the action if it went ahead and the measures being taken to forewarn students of any potential changes to classes.

The Faculties will manage continuity locally. We would encourage students to come to University as normal, unless they receive an alternative message from their Faculty or School, in which case they should act as per the guidance provided to them locally.

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