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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School Postgraduate study

Hiranga Runage MSc Digital Marketing, 2018

Sri Lankan

Hiranga Runage's Photo

The course is very well-structured and extremely varied...where you can learn how to apply theories into practice in the changing marketing world. What is more important is the course allows you to look at marketing in a more critical way.

Why did you choose to study at Southampton?

Once I finished my undergraduate degree, I wanted to specialise in marketing. Instead of choosing a typical marketing course, I wanted to choose a pertinent and compatible course for today’s business world which would help me with pursuing my career goals. Digital marketing is still a fresh but most needed area in the 21st century business world.

University of Southampton is one of those few universities in the UK which offers a Digital Marketing degree course at masters level and Southampton's digital marketing course is widely known as the best digital marketing course in the UK. In addition, University of Southampton is one of a best research universities in the UK and being ranked amongst the world’s top 100 universities made me apply without thinking twice.

What is it like studying here?

Studying at University of Southampton is a whole new experience. University life is not easy; specially for a masters’ student who normally has lectures and workshops almost every day. But University offers thousand and plus opportunities to enjoy your time at the university. University of Southampton’s Student Union organises amazing events all the time and it actually helped me to relieve stress.

Moreover, something I really admire about University of Southampton is the safety they provide for students. Whether you are studying in the library late at night or attending a party on campus, the University’s safety bus will bring you home safely. I am living in University accommodation (Glen Eyre Halls) and it is such a calm and relaxing place. Personally, as I prefer living in a relaxing atmosphere, I am enjoying living in University accommodation.

What are you enjoying most about your course?

In terms of teaching and learning, lecturers are always there to guide you. Lecture slides are always on Blackboard online beforehand, so that you can prepare yourself well for the lecture. Typically, additional notes are included which is extremely helpful. This is great for revision and going over material again. One major benefit is you can meet lecturers during office hours without an appointment and they always willingly give constructive feedback.

Even though lecturers do a great job, as a student I had to spend approximately 126 hours of independent learning per module and that is what makes University of Southampton’s courses different from other universities. The University allows you to become an independent learner. My lecturers never spoon fed me; instead they helped me to develop my own way of thinking.

The course is very well-structured and extremely varied, covering topics such as application of tradition marketing in the digital world and more. It is great course where you can learn how to apply theories into practice in the changing marketing world. What is more important is course allows you to look at marketing in a more critical way.

Have you taken advantage of any extra opportunities outside of your course?

University of Southampton can help you with sharpening your academic career, professional career and also social skills. I am more than happy to say I made the most of opportunities the university offers. I am the academic course rep for MSc Digital Marketing. In addition, I was hired as the Digital Marketing Intern at SUSU. Plus, I got this amazing opportunity to participate in a project about UX journey with a European company. Moreover, I am working voluntary for several other projects and recently got chosen for the position of Peer Advisor.

What have been your Southampton highlights so far?

Being chosen as the Best Academic Rep at Academic Awards 2018 is one of the best moments at Southampton. But, the best highlight is that I made friends for life at the university who are from different corners of the world.

How has your time at Southampton helped you to grow as a person?

I have started feel like I am growing into a marketer and also a responsible human being which I always dreamed to become. My whole university experience pushes me to challenge myself more and more when it comes to new opportunities and that’s what made me more confident and skilful in most areas I wanted to improve, not only as a marketer but also as a human.

How do you rate study facilities at the University?

University of Southampton library is my second home. When I say ‘home’, I mean it. Because the library is open 24 hours most of the time and has several hundred computer workstations, as well as powered study spaces for your own equipment. I often use the library's group study spaces and study desks. During exam periods, I always enjoyed free drinks and fruits the University provided and I find it actually accommodating for students like me who spend nights at the library. Most importantly, library staff are extremely helpful with everything; specially in exam period, when the library is fully packed it was difficult to find a seat. But library staff always helped me with finding the best seat.

What is the city of Southampton like to live in?

Southampton is a very diverse city where you can still get lost in British history. You can find traditional pubs in the city. My favourite place has got to be Scoops Gelato as it gives me chills all the time. Also, how can I forget about West Quay shopping mall where I spend most of my weekends!

What are your plans and/or ambitions after you graduate?

I am planning to go back to my lovely country Sri Lanka after my studies and I want to share my knowledge and experience with the local industries.

What advice would you give to a student starting their degree at Southampton?

University of Southampton is an opportunity pool. So first of all, think about what you want to achieve. Then plan and prepare yourself. Get involved, don’t waste any opportunities and try to get the most out of it while you are here because IT IS AN ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY. Trust me, you will love it because I am loving it right now and choosing Southampton is the best choice I have made in my life and it will be the same for you!

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