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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School Postgraduate study

Arihant Kuba , 2019


Arihant Kuba's Photo

Studying here is a wonderful experience where help is provided to whomever asks for it. The lecturers are inspiring and make learning complicated concepts interesting.

Why did you choose to come and study at Southampton?

I was told it was one of the best universities in my field of study. I completed my undergraduate degree from Southampton as well and was impressed with the level of teaching.

What is it like studying here?

Studying here is a wonderful experience where help is provided to whomever asks for it. The lecturers are inspiring and make learning complicated concepts interesting.

What are you enjoying most about your course?

The thing I enjoy most about this course is that everything that can be learned is only a stepping stone and there is always more to learn.

Have you taken advantage of any extra opportunities outside of your course?

I went to a conference in Liverpool which was a great insight into the industry where I hope to work.

What have been your Southampton ‘highlights’ (best experiences) so far?

The best experiences in Southampton have been my involvement with the student societies such as the wireless society and cyber security society.

What did you think about the AIRMIC conference you had the opportunity to attend?

I think the conference was fantastic and a wonderful opportunity to learn and see how everything that we learn in the classroom is applied in the industry. When you are sitting in the classroom, you do not really understand how deep this field goes, how well it can be applied and how different people see it differently. It was a fantastic opportunity.

How has your time at Southampton helped you to grow as a person?

My time here has helped me to learn how to learn. What I mean by that is, Southampton has taught me to tackle problems and new fields head on.

How do you rate study facilities at the University?

The facilities are first rate. Having access to the library around the clock during exams in amazing. Also having access to a gym for students on campus is very convenient.

What is the city of Southampton like to live in?

The city has many exciting opportunities for students to explore in their off hours. It also provides a safe environment for students to learn.

What are your plans and/or ambitions after you graduate?

I plan to work in the cyber security industry as a researcher or penetration tester.

What advice would you give to a student starting their degree at Southampton?

Explore all the resources that are available to you and always remember to ask questions.

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