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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School Postgraduate study

Eilis Collins

DBA student

  Eilis Collins's photo

I wanted to do the DBA to investigate a topic which was of interest to me. I had worked over the last 20 years with clients changing how they delivered their HR service to line managers and employees and was curious about the effect that this might be having on the engagement of line managers and their team members.

DBA research title: Employee engagement –a research study which examines how the line manager and HR team may be  impacting employee engagement
Year commenced: 2016

Why did you come to  Southampton to complete your DBA?
I have a number of colleagues who studied at Southampton and spoke highly of the university. I was also very impressed with the initial contact I had with the university as part of the DBA interview process.

What are your plans when you finish your research?
I plan to carry out further research into other topics related to my DBA topic which are of interest to me. I also plan to teach at the university and to continue my consulting work.

What have been your Southampton ‘highlights’?
Highlights have been working with my supervisors who have been extremely supportive and constructive in their feedback. I have also made some good friends who are doing the DBA at Southampton as well as friends who are doing PhDs at other universities. I have recently had a paper accepted for a European conference so that is also a personal highlight for me.

What is the research community like in Southampton Business  School? What do you enjoy about being part of it?
I have found the  research community to be very open and willing to share ideas and support. I enjoy being part of a group which will advance thinking in the areas we are working on and which aims to bring this new thinking and approach into business to change how businesses think and operate.

What networking and employability opportunities have you undertaken?
I attended a week long Research Methods Summer School last year which was a fantastic networking opportunity as PhD and DBA students from universities all over the UK attended.

What opportunities have you taken up (within your degree programme and extra-curricular)? In what ways are they helping your personal development?
I have taken the opportunity to deliver guest lectures at the University of Southampton which has been a really valuable experience to allow me to understand what teaching at University would entail and whether I would like to pursue this option as part of my longer term career plan.

What is Southampton like as a place to study for a DBA?
The campus at Southampton is compact and easy to get around. I find the staff extremely accessible, knowledgeable and helpful.

What advice would you give to a student wishing to take up a DBA at the Southampton Business School?
Do it! I would recommend the University of Southampton to anyone considering a DBA, the standard of teaching and supervision has far exceeded my expectations.

Eilis Collins
Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
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