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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School Postgraduate study

Mr Phuoc Le BSc (Hons), MSc, MPhil, CandORS

PhD Student

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Phuoc Le is currently a PhD Candidate in Operational Research at Southampton Business School. He received Master degree in Mathematics from Universität Duisburg-Essen and Bachelor degree from Hanoi National University.

PhD Supervision: Associate Professor Tri-Dung Nguyen, Professor Tolga Bektas

Research interests

He is interested in assisting businesses and organizations to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively. His research focuses on Cooperative Game Theory, Combinatorial Optimization and Business Analytics. In particular, he is currently working on revenue/cost allocation problems and their applications in logistics, transportation and retail industry.

Primary Research Group

CORMSIS Centre of Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

Affiliated Research Groups

APOLLO Advanced Planning of Linked Logistics and Operations

Decision, Analytics and Risk Research

Research project(s)

Operations Research methods in algorithm cooperative games

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Conference talks

  • Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree Games, International Conference on Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling, The University of Warwick, UK, by 15 January 2014.
  • Efficient computation of the Shapley value for Large-Scale Linear Production Games, European conference for Operational Research, Glasgow, UK – 12-15 July 2015.
  • Teaching second year undergraduate students in the module MANG2021 (Operations Management).
  • Tutoring for first year undergraduate students in the module MATH1002 (Mathematical Modelling).
  • Teaching assistant for MBA course MANG6192 (Decision Modelling and Analysis).
Mr Phuoc Le
Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Mr Phuoc Le's personal home page
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