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The University of Southampton
The Confucius Institute

Spring Festival 2021 Event

Spring Festival 2021
09:00 - 16:00
10 - 28 February 2021

Event details

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, a series of online activities will take place between 10th and 28th February 2021. All are welcome ! Our Quiz and Artwork competition are open to all !

Video of performance

Click here to watch the video!

Quiz CNY 2021 qr code
Quiz CNY 2021 qr code


Click on the link "Quiz" or use QR Code for the competition questionnaire !

Make sure you submit your answers by 28th February midnight !

Art competition

The Art Competition is open to everyone.  Please submit your work by emaling it to the Confucius Institute : [email protected]

The deadline for submissions is 28th February midnight.

Your artwork shall be Chinese-related.   It can be:

  • Chinese Calligraphy that you did
  • Your copy of a Chinese poem
  • A painting involving Chinese culture elements

Any form of artwork is welcome.
We look forward to your work and we will ask our Confucius Institute teachers to vote for the best work.

Winners will be rewarded with prizes !

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