Our staff at COARS have a long-standing record of providing a professional consultancy service for the marine archaeology sector. We have experience of delivering on a wide range of projects for sectors including renewable, nuclear and non-renewable energy, marine aggregates, port developments and channel dredging, oil and gas installations, pipelines and cable routes.
- Scoping and Appraisal Studies.
- Environmental Assessments, such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Regional Environmental Characterisations (REC) .
- Mitigation Plans and Written Schemes of Investigation (WSI)
- Desk-based assessment (DBA)
- Retained Archaeological Advisory Services
- Cultural Heritage Chapters for Environmental Statements
- Intertidal Surveys
- Wreck Analysis
- Heritage Management Advice
- Assessment and Analysis programs
- Marine geophysical survey data processing and interpretation
- Marine geotechnical and geoarchaeological investigations
- Deposit modelling to assess site/region-wide sediment distribution and archaeological potential
- Maritime material culture
- Publication of results