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The University of Southampton
Community Building projects

Watersports Centre

As part of the £40 million investment in sports and wellbeing at the University, plans are underway for two new replacement buildings on our current site.

The university’s current facilities are no longer fit for purpose, replacing them will give the University the chance to improve the facilities for all by providing better site access arrangements and a more sustainable environment.

Plan of Water Sports centre

The new buildings will consolidate many of the existing spaces. A new Boat House will provide upgraded modern boat storage and workshop facilities for the University Rowing Club, with new hub space providing enhanced changing facilities and other equipment storage. Both buildings will be situated on higher ground within our site to avoid flooding issues.

A bespoke approach to sustainability will ensure that the new buildings are low carbon and energy efficient, in line with the University’s ambitious Sustainability Strategy . The development will work to de-carbonise operations by removing gas powered boilers. The design also considers the use of solar panels and air source heat pumps.

The buildings are located outside of protected habitats, and site surveys are currently being undertaken to understand the presence of any protected species on the site. Tree removals have been minimised far as possible and additional tree planting of native species is proposed. The planting of appropriate species, suitable for a site which regularly floods, will provide a net gain in biodiversity. The construction methodology is being carefully considered to ensure the site’s ecology will not be adversely affected.

Wide Lane

Improvements to our facilities at Wide Lane are also being completed as part of the University’s commitment to improving our sports facilities across our campus.

At our Wide Lane Sport Ground we are installing two brand new all weather pitches for multisport use. The infill on the pitches will b a modern, sustainable material and will allow for more use year round.

You can see the progress of the works by viewing this timelapse video .

To support the installation of the new pitches, the pavilion on site has also had some refurbishment works completed. The works include decorating the Conference suite, making adaptions to the lighting systems to make the building more sustainable as well as updating the 26 changing rooms and reception.

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