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The University of Southampton
Southampton Clinical Trials Unit


Trial Name

IELSG-26 - A Clinico-pathologic study of primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma.


This prospective multi-centre cohort study has been designed to investigate the diagnostic and prognostic utility of PET scan in primary mediastinal lymphoma.


Aims of the study was the determination of response rate on PET scanning following initial chemo-immunotherapy and a systematic analysis of the phenotype and molecular characteristics of Primary Mediastinal Large B-cell Lymphoma.


Patients were enrolled on the basis of the clinical and pathologic characteristics of their lymphoma. Central review of all pathology carried out, with storage of fresh frozen biopsy material wherever possible. PET scans performed at the start of chemotherapy and at its conclusion, with central review of the images for quality control. Interim (mid-treatment) PET scans permitted according to normal practice in each centre, but was not reviewed centrally. Patients received one of the standard chemo-immunotherapy protocols currently in use for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (i.e., R-CHOP-21, R-CHOP-14,R-MACOP-B, R-VACOP-B, R-ACVBP). Consolidation radiotherapy to the mediastinum has been carried out according to the local protocol of the treating centre.




120 patients across 5 countries, who are scheduled to receive R-chemotherapy for Primary Mediastinal B-cell lymphoma.


Prognostic models for primary mediastinal (thymic) B-cell lymphoma derived from 18-FDG PET/CT quantitative parameters in the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group (IELSG) 26 study

Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Assessment After Immunochemotherapy and Irradiation Using the Lugano Classification Criteria in the IELSG-26 Study of Primary Mediastinal B-Cell Lymphoma

[ 18 F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography predicts survival after chemoimmunotherapy for primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma: results of the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group IELSG-26 Study

Contact details

All Trial enquiries should be addressed to [email protected]

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This trial was funded by the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group.

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