SynthEtic LEthal Cancer Therapy in mesothelioma (SELECTmeso): a molecularly stratified multi-arm phase II platform trial for patients with relapsed malignant mesothelioma
SELECTmeso is a UK, multicentre, multi-arm, adaptive, phase II platform trial to determine the activity and safety of multiple targeted therapies for the treatment of patients with relapsed malignant mesothelioma in molecularly stratified cohorts. SELECTmeso builds on the 5-arm MIST umbrella platform which was the first ever pilot for precision therapy for mesothelioma.
A key feature of SELECTmeso is the integration of deep multi-omic profiling (exomic, transcriptomic and ultra-deep spatial phenotyping) to interrogate features that correlate with extremes of drug sensitivity (1, 2).
This platform allows for the assessment of multiple precision therapies, with the ability to add drug candidates based on an underlying scientific hypothesis and rationale. Promising candidates may move to an external randomised trial for further evaluation outside of SELECTmeso.
CST (Candidate Specific Trial) Primary:
CST (Candidate Specific Trial) Secondary:
Each CST will use a Bayesian Optimal Phase II (BOP2) design which incorporates at least one ‘go/no-go’ interim analysis, this minimises the projected sample size if a low number of patients displaying disease control rate (DCR) is observed. Once each trial arm reaches the required sample size, we can conclude whether the treatment is acceptable, in terms of activity at a pre-determined DCR rate, safety and feasibility of use, and so warrants further evaluation in a future randomised trial.
Based on a one-sided type I error rate of no more than 0.05, a sample size of 26 provides power of approximately 0.83 under the Bayesian Optimal Phase 2 (BOP2) design. This considers an interim analysis for futility (not pausing recruitment) after 13 patients, and a null hypothesis that the 12-week DCR is 0.25 (i.e., a true DCR of 25% at 12 weeks would be too low, requiring no further evaluation) against an alternative hypothesis that the DCR is 0.5 (i.e., a true DCR of 50% at 12 weeks would be sufficient to warrant further evaluation).
The BOP2 design recommends stopping for futility if 3 or fewer patients out of 13 achieve disease control. The numbers for the interim analysis are to provide guidance to the Trial Management Group and may be overruled if there are other possible reasons (e.g., toxicity) that outweigh the recommendation to stop or continue.
The primary endpoint is the proportion of patients who have achieved disease control (complete response, partial response, or stable disease) assessed by mRECIST 1.1 at 12 weeks. A total of 11 patients achieving disease control or more in the 26 patients will suggest that the treatment is sufficiently effective.
In set-up
Patients with confirmed histological diagnosis of mesothelioma (any histology) with evidence of MTAP loss on immunohistochemistry, and evidence of disease progression following prior standard systemic therapy on CT scan.
Additional eligibility will be defined for each CST.
Each CST will be funded separately, currently CST1 is funded by Asthma and Lung UK.
Senior Trial Manager: Emma Knox
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 023 81205154
SAE Reporting:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0844 7740621