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The University of Southampton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Wellbeing Day - Oasis of Calm

Here are the activities in the Hartley Room, transformed for the day into the Oasis of Calm.

You are welcome to come for just one event, or several as best suits your interests and timetable. The majority are available on a first-come, first-serve basis - just turn up and enjoy!

For lunchtime events that can be pre-booked, bookings/waiting lists will close at 5pm Monday 28 October.

Time Title
9.15 --- doors open ---
9.30 Movement and breathing for wellbeing with Paul Riddy . Loose clothing preferable. Maximum 30 participants.
10.00 An introduction to mindfulness practice with Emma Lindsey. Come along and learn the basics of this refreshing approach to life and experience meditation for yourself. Thus session will cover 2 simple exercises which are suitable for absolute beginners and which can be done sitting in a chair.
10.30 Abs and Stretch with Helen Stone of the Sport & Wellbeing team.  This session will focus on gentle abdominal strengthening to help maintain the posture, while performing relaxation stretches. Loose clothing preferable; may involve floor work. Maximum 20 participants.
Alternately, enjoy a campus walk ! Meet by the Arlott Room, duration around 30 minutes.
11.00 Holistic approaches to wellbeing using massage and nutrition. With Patricia Worby
11.30 --- breather ---
12.00 Managing wellbeing - keynote event introduced by Professor Adam Wheeler. More about this event . Booking recommended.
13.00 Stay for a personal perspective of managing wellbeing from Helen Cartwright. And under the banner of What's Next? Nick Maguire and Catherine Pope will host a Q&A session focusing on mental health and wellbeing over the coming year. Booking recommended.
13.30 Movement and breathing for wellbeing with Paul Riddy . Loose clothing preferable. Maximum 30 participants.
14.00 Pets as Therapy. (Please note that a PAT dog will be waiting discreetly beforehand with his owner to the side of the Hartley Room. He has been assessed for good temperament, and will be on a lead at all times.) More about this visit .
15.00 Holistic approaches to wellbeing using EFT (Emotioanl Freedom Techniques) and hypnotherapy. With Patricia Worby
15.30 Pilates with Maxine Tubb from the Sport & Wellbeing team. This session will give an introduction to Pilates, helping to improve posture, while relieving stress and tension in the bodyLoose clothing preferable; may involve floor work. Maximum 20 participants.
Alternately, enjoy a campus walk ! Meet by the Arlott Room, duration around 30 minutes.
16.00 An introduction to mindfulness practice with Cheryl Dunford Come along and learn the basics of this refreshing approach to life and experience meditation for yourself. Thus session will cover 2 simple exercises which are suitable for absolute beginners and which can be done sitting in a chair.
16.30 --- finish ---

The maximum capacity of the Hartley Room for these sessions is 75 people excluding presenters. Due to the nature of some of the events, numbers will be more limited.

A photographer may be taking still pictures of the lunchtime events.

More about...

Managing wellbeing (keynote event) (12.00)

Introduced by the University provost, Professor Adam Wheeler . the is aimed equally at staff and managers and highlights our responsibilities for health and safety, risk management and looking after ourselces and each other. Presenters include HR , H&S and the University Mediation Service .

Please note that this event is now scheduled to run for an hour, and we hope you will be able to stay throughout. We will still give priority at the start to people who have pre-booked . You are otherwise free to leave or join at suitable break-points. Refreshments will be provided - please arrive in good time.

A personal perspective (13.00)

This personal perspective of managing wellbeing is given by PhD student and service user Helen Cartwright . And under the banner of What's Next ? co-organisers Nick Maguire and Catherine Pope will host a Q&A session focusing on mental health and wellbeing over the coming year. You can pre-book for this half-hour session.

Pets as Therapy (14.00)

Pets As Therapy is a community charity providing therapeutic visits to hospitals, hospices, nursing & care homes from volunteers with their pets. Come and meet Alfie and his owner to learn more about how pets can contribute to wellbeing.

Campus Walks (10.30 & 15.30)

Short walks round Highfield Campus will introduce you to the stream, the Valley Gardens with its back history, and some of the variety of trees on campus. Meet by the Arlott Room (no booking needed) at either 10.30 or 15.30 for a relaxing and informative 30-minute stroll, led by Malcolm Jenks of our Estates staff. You should wear suitable clothing and footwear (no heels), depending on the weather. Although part of the route will be across grass, it should still be accessible for anyone with limited mobility.

More wellbeing events

Find out more about the Science Bit , the Exhibitors , or return to the main event page.

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Do I need to book?

Most of these Oasis of Calm events are open to everyone on a first-come, first-served basis. We hope that you will feel able to pop in for a half hour (or two) whenever it best suits you.

For certain events, a pre-booking system will guarantee you a place provided you arrive two minutes ahead of the advertised start time. We will then make any remaining places available to others.

We may have to decline entry to latecomers for some activities, and will always abide by the maximum capacity allowed in the room.

To pre-book an event, click on the link below.

Book your place

Book for Managing Wellbeing (12.00) - with a keynote introduction from Professor Adam Wheeler. Note that the original half-hour session has been extended to an hour - more details on the left.

Book for A Personal Perspective and What's Next (13.00) with Helen Cartwright, Nick Maguire and Cathering Pope.

Don't forget to check out the Science Bit in the Life Sciences Building, including a new early morning session with two of our Mental Health specialists.  Places are still available later in the day on the Non-visible disabilities and Embedded counselling workshops.

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