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The University of Southampton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Wellbeing Day - the Science Bit

These longer workshops provide an insight into some of the science behind wellbeing, and how it can be deployed in practice.

Even if a workshop is now fully booked, please join the waiting list as this provides us with evidence about the demand for these workshops. We suggest you don't turn up 'on spec' for these workshops unless you have a confirmed place. Meanwhile, you can still drop into one of the stress-busting sessions in the Oasis of Calm .

Time Detail
09.30 Getting off the stress express... taking the steps to well being , with Amanda Clark (Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust) and James Wilson (UoS FHS Mental Health Team) - duration 1 hour. Practical suggestions for both managing symptoms of stress, as well as strategies for actively promoting wellbeing. Southern Health's remit includes provision of mental health services including referral and assessment. Now fully booked: Join the waiting list .
10.30 --- Breather ---
11.00 The science behind managing wellbeing and change with Nick Maguire (Psychology) - duration 1 hour. Now fully booked: Join the waiting list or catch up with Nick in the What's Next ? debate in the Hartley Lounge at 13.00
12.00 --- Break ---
13.00 Non-visible disabilities (mental health) awareness and action workshop with trainers Freeney Williams - duration 2 hours. More about this workshop. Now fully booked: Join the waiting list .
15.00 Embedded counselling - Explore what changes an everyday encounter into a counselling conversation with Stella Gothard and Paul Riddy - workshop duration 1 hour after which we can continue discussions as required. More about this workshop. All places now gone, register your interest on the waiting list .
16.30 --- Finish ---

Each workshop is limited to 20 places.

More about....

Non-visible disabilities (mental health) awareness (13.00)

This workshop gives participants an insight and understanding of the issues regarding mental health difficulties in relation to their job role. For example, it considers basic definitions, legal requirements around provision of reasonable adjustments, the skills and understanding needed to identify the signs that someone may be becoming unwell, how to start the conversation with the individual and what to do next.

This will be the first presentation of a highly participative, two-hour workshop, from one of Europe's leading disability and diversity consultancies. "We work extensively in all sectors to achieve long-lasting and self-sustaining change designed to meet the needs of employers and service providers in the real world."

Embedded counselling workshop (15.00)

Embedded counselling has been defined as the activity of counselling as opposed to being a counsellor and sees the heart of the activity as "making a space to talk it through" (McLeod J, Counselling Skill, 2007 p1).

We are constantly involved in this activity, we have a wealth of skills to bring to it and there is a general consensus that talking can have a positive influence on psychological wellbeing.  This workshop will explore what changes an everyday encounter into a counselling conversation.  We will consider the use of counselling skill in the workplace, the importance of boundaries and  the centrality of self-awareness.

More wellbeing events

Find out more about the Oasis of Calm , the Exhibitors , or return to the main event page.

Back to main Wellbeing event page

Do I need to book?

For all the Science Bit events, a pre-booking system will guarantee you a place provided you arrive two minutes ahead of the advertised start time. We will then make any remaining places available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

We may have to decline entry to latecomers for some events, and will always abide by the maximum capacity allowed in the room.

To pre-book an event, click on its link below. You will receive an acknowledgement by email.

Book your place

Book for extra workshop Getting off the stress express (09.30) with James Wilson and Amanda Clark.

Book for Non-visible disabilities: mental health awareness (13:00) with Freeney Williams.

Book for Embedded counselling (15.00) with Stella Gothard and Paul Riddy.

Join the waiting list for The science behind managing wellbeing and change (11.00) with Nick Maguire.

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