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The University of Southampton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Our commitment

Our policies

We believe that excellence is achieved through recognising the value of every individual. Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy sets out our commitment to creating a University community where everyone feels valued and recognises their rights and responsibilities in respect of EDI.

We have several policies that directly address equality, diversity and inclusion:

REF 2021 Code of Practice

How we will uphold the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the REF 2021 selection process

Read the equality and diversity policy

Do we have expected behaviours for staff, students and visitors?

Yes, our Southampton Behaviours and Student Charter set out the kinds of behaviours we expect of ourselves and each other, in order to create an inclusive University community.

I can’t see the policy that I am looking for.

I think something is not right. Who can help me?

In the first instance, you should speak to your personal tutor, supervisor or line manager. If you feel unable to speak to them about your concern, then you have a number of options depending on the situation:

  • If you feel bullied, harassed or victimised, or are being treated unfavourably in some other way, then contact one of our Harassment Contacts . They are a confidential listening and signposting service, who can help or direct you to the most appropriate support.
  • If you are experiencing a structural or cultural barrier to your continued work or study at the University, including issues with policy, the campus environment or local practice, then get in touch with the team. We will do what we can to support you with your current situation or identify a route to addressing the problem for everyone.
  • If you need support with your wellbeing, then contact the student wellbeing support services , Employee Assistance Programme or Health and Wellbeing team (internal only).

Last update: 11 February 2021 [AM]

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