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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

Reaching the 'hard to reach: child -teacher dialogue to promote inclusion in classrooms Event

26 November 2020
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Event details

Free event held by the School og Education

Free online event

Thursday 26 November 2020, 3pm- 5pm UK time

Join us in this free event to:

Learn about the findings of a three-year study (2017-2020) that involved schools in five European countries

Hear first-hand experiences from teachers and children in Southampton who participated in the study

Have the opportunity to listen to key researchers who were involved: Professors Kiki Messiou (University of Southampton – project lead) and Mel Ainscow (University of Manchester – methodological consultant)

Receive a free pack of materials that you can use within your school*

The project trialed and evaluated Inclusive Inquiry:

This innovative approach involves children becoming researchers and working collaboratively with their teachers in order to design lessons that include all pupils, particularly those who might be seen as 'hard to reach'.

Who is this event for?

Primary, special and secondary school teachers
Policy makers
Support staff
Researchers and educational consultants
Opportunities for questions and networking:

During the event there will be opportunities to ask questions, and a chance for networking and sharing experiences with other colleagues.

This is a free event. Please, book by 15 November 2020 via Eventbrite.

The event will be hosted via zoom. Four days before the event you will receive a link for your own use only in order to access the event.
* Each eligible participant (UK based) will receive a free pack of materials, after the event, provided that they attended. If possible, the materials will be posted to participants outside the UK.

Any questions, please contact: [email protected]

For more information about the project visit the website

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