Student Disability & Wellbeing Part of Student Services

Managing Change

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Here are tips and resources to help you manage change

The Covid-19 pandemic and government advice means that there have been a lot of unexpected changes, with probably more to come in the weeks and months ahead.  It is understandable that it can feel overwhelming at times and may lead to increases in anxiety. We have provided a summary of information and resources to help you manage the change and navigate these difficult times.

Adapting to change can be tricky at the best of times, especially when this change has come about unexpectedly. At the moment, there are a number of factors that can cause anxiety - worrying about your friends and family, the changing restrictions, changes to your routine, worries about the 'new normal'. If you have been affected by any of these situations, the useful downloads at the bottom of this page may be worth looking at.

If you are finding that you are feeling anxious, Anxiety UK are available to offer support via their helpline and have extended their hours of service. They have also created several webinars specifically about 'Coronanxiety'.

Coping with Change workshop

It can be challenging to manage changes or transitions, even when the change is positive. This presentation contains strategies to help you cope with change.

Student Space

Student Minds have launched a support service specifically for students during these challenging times.


Try downloading the Calm app, which helps with relieving stress, as well as helping you sleep.  The app can help reduce anxiety and you can start a free trial today by visiting your app store.

Anxiety UK

As well as providing online resources and webinars, including a webinar about tolerating uncertainty; there are also helpful blogs about a range of topics.

If you would like to try some quick techniques at home, the documents below contain some resources with some tips for you.

The key things to remember are that, everyone struggles with change and uncertainty, these feelings are normal and to be expected. Different people may be at different stages of managing change and may be more comfortable with the easing restrictions than you feel. Talking with family and friends about your concerns can be helpful for everyone involved and do seek support if you are concerned about yourself or anybody else.

Useful Downloads

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