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Prof. Mike McDonald BSc PhD CEng FICE

Emeritus Professor of Transportation Engineering

Prof. Mike McDonald's photo

Prof. Mike McDonald is Emeritus Professor of Transportation Engineering within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Professor Michael McDonald was Director of the Transportation Research Group at the University of Southampton 1982-2008 and has been responsible for some 100 research contracts for the Transport Research Laboratory, Department for Transport, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the European Union and other local and central government agencies. The areas of research have covered many aspects of transport planning, traffic engineering and control, application of new technology, safety, highway design, economic appraisal and evaluation and he has over 100 publications in these areas.

Professor McDonald's research interests remain on the application and evaluation of new transport technologies, and on the impacts of innovative approaches to transport, particularly in urban areas.  He is involved in projects and proposals in these areas in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.  Current research project activities include:

i)  Citymobil2 : Coordinating the evaluation of automated vehicle demonstrations in six cities across Europe.

ii)  UVAR: The role of information and communication in urban vehicle access regulation schemes across Europe.

iii)  Advisor to the EC WIKI project dealing with the implementation advice for transport innovations.

iv)  Member of the Advisory Board the EC ESPRIT project, which is concerned with the implementation of autonomous vehicles.

He has been a member of several professional and government committees and advisory bodies including the Research Councils and the Technology Foresight Programme. He has been significantly involved with the EC Transport Telematics programmes and has international recognition as an expert in Intelligent Transport Systems.

Professor McDonald is also a Council Member of the UK Transport Technology Forum, a Member of the European Road Transport Research Advisory Committee, a Trustee of the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund, Pao Yu-Kong Professor to the Faculty of Maritime and Transportation at Ningbo University, and is supporting MISTRA in the development and assessment of its Swedish research programme in transport.

Research group

Transportation Group

Research project(s)

GOAL: Growing Older - Staying Mobile

NEARCTIS: A Network of Excellence for Advanced Road Co-operative traffic management in the Information Society

POINTER/ Support action for evaluation and monitoring of CIVITAS plus

POINTER is the Support Action of CIVITAS Plus programme which comprises 5 Demonstration Projects (ARCHIMEDES, ELAN, MIMOSA, MODERN and RENAISSANCE) involving 25 cities across Europe to implement over 300 measures.

TIDE – Transport Innovation Deployment in Europe

Code Title Role
Prof. Mike McDonald
Engineering, University of Southampton, Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus, Burgess Road, Southampton, SO16 7QF

Room Number : 176/4061

Facsimile: (023) 8059 3152

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