Research project: Development of options for damage limitation and environmental restoration of mercury-contaminated areas in north-central Kazakhstan
A project funded by the EU INCO Programme
A project funded by the EU INCO Programme
Accidental release of mercury from the acetaldehyde plant AO Karbide in the Karaganda region of central Kazakhstan has resulted in serious contamination of the surrounding region. Mercury is highly toxic at very low concentrations, due to its ability to accumulate in the food chain. This has immediate implications for the health of the people of the region, including those of the new capital Astana if the Nura is to be used as a water supply for the city. In the long term the pollution also poses a threat to the unique ecology of the lakes of the Kurgaldzhino nature reserve.
During spring floods, sediments are transported down the River Nura and dispersed over the floodplain. Water is also abstracted along the river to irrigate thousands of hectares of land. As a result, raised levels of mercury are found in the soil far downstream. Mercury is also found in large deposits of silt in old riverbeds and oxbow lakes on the floodplain, which represent a major source of future contamination.