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The University of Southampton

Materials and Surface Engineering

Our research focusses on developing the fundamental understanding of physical processes and interactions in materials and surfaces that affect the performance of engineering systems. This understanding and knowledge is then transferred into engineering technologies through enhanced materials and surface engineering performance resulting in improved designs.

Our researchers work across a wide number of application areas, covering many topics, from aerospace and automotive materials  to energy materials, surface engineering to corrosion, electrochemical engineering  to artificial hips, microsystems to 3D printing, micro dry powder dispensing to tribology, tomographic imaging to artificial intelligence. Our research activities are further stimulated by multi-disciplinary collaborations with many other research groups across the University.

We work with a wide range of industries including: NPL, TWI (NSIRC), Rolls Royce, BP, Airbus, E.ON, EDF, Vestas, GE, ALSTOM, Luxfer Gas Cylinders, Scitech Industries, dstl/MoD, Novatis, GSK, Huxley Bertram Ltd., Invibio.

We have also won substantial funding from the European Research Council, ONR (US Navy) AFOSR (US airforce) EPSRC and MRC.

We have a wide range of international links and offer a stimulating research environment for staff, students and visitors. Our research activities can be seen in more detail in the Research Areas listed below.

Tribology: saving costs and improving safety across industries
Tribology: saving costs and improving safety across industries
Material failure – friend and foe
Material failure – friend and foe
3D rendering of fatigue damage
3D rendering of fatigue damage

Research Areas

Functional Materials

Surface Engineering

Materials Processing

Structural Materials

We are well-equipped with characterisation tools, including a state-of-the-art transmission electron microscope, field emission gun scanning electron microscope, a He ion microscope, access to an AFM, extensive electrochemical facilities, a major new X-ray computed tomography (CT) scanner centre at μ-VIS and extensive surface engineering and tribology facilities for measurement and analysis at both the University of Southampton and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL).

Transport Systems Research Laboratory (TSRL)

Severe Plastic Deformation Processing Rigs

Micro dry powder processing and microfabrication

Solar Energy Laboratory

Electrochemical engineering lab

Materials Characterisation facilities

μ-VIS: multidisciplinary multiscale microtomographic volume imaging

Nanofabrication centre/clean rooms at ECS

Bioengineering laboratory

Sliding friction/wear



Abrasion wear


Properties of materials/ coatings

μ-VIS: multidisciplinary multiscale microtomographic volume imaging
High pressure testing
High pressure testing
High pressure torsion rig
High pressure torsion rig
TSA and Instron
TSA and Instron

If you are interested in joining us either to study or to become part of our research team please select the relevant link below for further information.

Funded PhD Opportunities

Postgraduate Taught Courses

Current job vacancies at the University of Southampton

List of related projects to
Related Projects Status Type
3D Imaging Of The Tensile Failure Mechanisms Of Carbon Fibre Composites Active Other
3D printing of PEEK and HA/beta-TCP tissue engineering (TE) scaffolds Active Other
Chemical modification of silicon surfaces for solar cell applications Active Other
Fluorescent solar collectors - Dormant Dormant Other
Abrasion-corrosion of cast CoCrMo alloy in simulated hip joint environments - Dormant Dormant Other
Abrasion-corrosion of downhole drill tool components - Dormant Dormant Other
Adaptive numeric modelling in the production of gas cylinders - Dormant Dormant Other
Advanced nanostructured coatings for aluminium alloys Active Other
Advanced non-volatile memories based on resistive switching Active Other
Aerospace composite materials damage assessment by High Resolution Computed Tomography Active Other
An evaluation of cohesive zone models for adhesive failure in bonded joints - Dormant Dormant Other
Analysis of adhesively-bonded composite joints Active Other
Analysis of adhesively-bonded composite joints Active Other
Antifouling coatings for warships - Dormant Dormant Other
Applications of artificial neural networks (ANNs) in materials property correlations exploration Active Other
Assessment of advanced nickel based turbine materials Active Other
Assessment of complex electron beam textured rough surfaces Active Other
Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) Composite Surfaces for Electrical Contact Interfaces Active Other
In-situ calibration of cohesive zone models for composite damage Active Other
Computational electromagnetic modelling of 3D photonic structures Active Other
Condition monitoring to predict component wear - Dormant Dormant Other
Full-field data-rich experimental approaches to explain composite material and structural performance and its damage tolerance (DAMTOL) Active Other
Development of an antifouling system using environmentally acceptable and naturally occuring products - Dormant Dormant Other
Development of an improved fatigue model for composite materials Active Other
Development of automated condition monitoring using AI tools - Dormant Dormant Other
Development of novel high strain rate tests Active Other
Early crack initiation processes in steel arc welds Active Other
Early crack initiation processes in steel arc welds Active Other
Erosion-corrosion modelling - Dormant Dormant Other
Evaluating homogeneity in AZ91 magnesium alloy processed by high-pressure torsion and equal-channel angular pressing Active Other
Finite element modelling of fatigue crack growth in multi-layered systems under large scale yielding conditions Active Other
Health monitoring of new generation aircraft bearings Active Other
High efficiency low-cost photosensitised crystalline silicon solar cells Active Other
High efficiency low cost solar cells Active Other
High efficiency low cost solar cells II - Dormant Dormant Other
In-situ calibration of cohesive zone models for composite damage Active Other
In-situ characterization of microstructure and fatigue performance of Al-Si piston alloys Active Other
Investigation of gold splutter coated vertically aligned multi-wall carbon nanotubes for RF MEMS contact surfaces - Dormant Dormant Other
Life assessment methods for industrial steam and gas turbines Active Other
Lightweight ceramic nanotubes reinforced polymer composite coatings and nanofibres with improved impact resistance and responsive functions Active Other
MEMS components formed from nanostructural metals - Dormant Dormant Other
Microfluidic devices for structural health monitoring and integrity - Dormant Dormant Other
Micromechanistic analysis of damage evolution in aerospace and automotive materials - Dormant Dormant Other
Microstructure, Microtexture and Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Metals and Alloys Processes by Severe Plastic Deformation Active Other
Nanoimprint lithography process development Active Other
Natural products as marine antifoulants Active Other
Optimal materials selection and design of MEMS actuators - Dormant Dormant Other
Parameterisation and optimisation of impact and post-impact performance of composites for airframe light weighting Active Other
Processing of nanostructured materials for medical applications Active Other
Processing of nanostructured titanium for use in medical implants - Dormant Dormant Other
Processing of a two phase alloy by severe plastic deformation Active Other
Reducing the cost of crystalline silicon solar cells by using fluorescent collectors Active Other
Reduction of downhole friction by electrochemical methods - Dormant Dormant Other
Sensor actuated smart interfaces incorporating bio-hybrid materials (biofilm sensing) Active Other
SPD processing of various metallic alloys Active Other
Structure-Performance relationship in organic electronic devices - Dormant Dormant Other
Teardrop cracking: mechanism and design criteria Active Other
Towards insitu monitoring of tapestry degradation using strain based optical techniques Active Other
Voids in carbon fibre reinforced epoxy composite - Dormant Dormant Other
X-ray Computed Tomography and image-based modelling of plant roots and nutrient uptake Active Other
Zinc cerium redox flow battery Active Other
Tribological behaviour of nano-structured alloys processed by Severe Plastic Deformation Active Other
Delivery of fluoride and antimicrobial agents into dental plaque biofilms Active Other
Lightweight ceramic nanotubes reinforced polymer composite coatings and nanofibres with improved impact resistance and responsive functions Active Other
Luminescene Wear Monitoring of Tribological Coatings Active Other
Metrology to assess the durability and function of engineered surfaces Active Other
Scuffing of heavy duty diesel engines Dormant Other
Simulating the friction encountered in oilfield operations Active Other
Suspension sprayed surface coatings for specialised applications Active Other
Nanoadditives for lubrication of hydrogen technology Active Other
Health implications of metal ions and particulates released from hip implants Active Other
Nanoparticles characterization for nanotoxity Active Other
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