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The University of Southampton
English Part of Humanities

MA Creative Writing Bursary: The Maureen Taylor Scholarship

Published: 12 February 2021

The English department is pleased to announce that this year, we are able to offer two Maureen Taylor Scholarship bursaries to individuals interested in pursuing MA Creative Writing in the 22-23 academic year.

Offered annually, the bursary supports post-graduate creative writing students with an award of £2,500 and is particularly aimed at encouraging black and minority ethnic (BME) women writers.

To be eligible to apply for the Maureen Taylor Scholarship you will need to:

Have a confirmed place on the Creative Writing MA at the University of Southampton.

Applications are open to all but are particularly welcomed from students who meet at least two of the following criteria:

  • Black minority ethnic (BME) background.
  • Female.
  • 25 years old and older

Please list the Maureen Taylor Scholarship on your MA CW application form.

You may email Carole Burns, Head of Creative Writing, at [email protected] with any questions.

Deadline: For full consideration, please apply to MA Creative Writing by 15 August 2022.

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