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The University of Southampton
Estates and Facilities

Standard Specifications

The University has adopted the following Sustainable Building Design Standard which must be applied to all construction, maintenance and refurbishment projects. The documents set out the minimum standards required from projects in terms of sustainable performance, and the reporting process for monitoring implementation.

Sustainable Building Design Standard

E&F Sustainability Impact Assessment Matrix


Here is a list of the Standard Specifications that are available:

Access Control Systems

As Built Documentation

Asset Information Capture

Asset Data Upload Sheet

Fire Door Data Upload Sheet

 AutoCAD Drawing Standards

 Automatic Door Systems

Automatic Metering System

Automatic Opening Vents and Windows Control Systems

Briefing Notes for BEMS HVAC Systems

Briefing Notes for Electrical Services

Cabling Infrastructure Design Spec for Existing Buildings

Cabling Infrastructure Design Spec for New Buildings

Car Park Numbering Procedure

CCTV Components

Contractor Behaviour and Conduct Requirement

Cycle Store Space Numbering Procedure

Cycle Storage Standard Specification


Electrical Systems in Common Learning Spaces

Electrical Vehicle Charging Standard Specification

JCT Design and Build Contract for University of Southampton

JCT Intermediate Building Contract (with Contractor's Design)

JCT Intermediate Building Contract (without Contractor's Design)

JCT Minor Works Contract with Contractor's Design

JCT Minor Works Contract without Contractor's Design

JCT Standard Building Contract with Contractor's Design

Liaison Engineers

Lift Handover Document

Lock Products


Standard Lift Specification

Standard Room Space Numbering Procedure

Toilet and Washroom Refurbishments

Underground Duct Numbering Procedure



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