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The University of Southampton
Finance, Planning and Analytics

National Insurance (NI) and Tax

Do employees over state pension age pay National Insurance contributions?

Employees over State pension age do not have to pay the employee's contribution.
To find out more you can contact them at the address below:
Inland Revenue National Insurance Contributions Office
Class 1 Caseworker
Benton Park View
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE98 1ZZ

What happens to my NI contributions if I have more than one job?

National Insurance will be due on your earnings from each employment. In some cases, e.g.. high earners, NI liability from one employment may be reduced. Please contact the Payroll team for more information.

What is my National Insurance number?

Anyone working in the UK should have a National Insurance number.  UK nationals are issued with their number automatically at age 16.  Non-UK nationals have to apply for one.

Your NI number is unique to you and remains the same throughout your life.  It is in the format of two letters, six numbers and one letter (A, B, C or D) e.g. AA123456A.

Having a NI number ensures that your Tax, NI contributions and Student Loan repayments are credited to your HM Revenue and Customs account and are correctly recorded.

What are HM Revenue and Customs' (HMRC) contact details?

The Tax office can be contacted by post at:

West Hampshire Area
Trinity Bridge House
2 Dearmans Place
M3 5BS

Or by phone:  0300 200 3300

You should quote the University’s PAYE reference number of 663/U1 and your own NI number in any communication with the tax office.

What is a P60 form?

A P60 is a statutory annual statement that all employers must issue to their staff.  It confirms your taxable earnings and statutory deductions for the individual tax years. Tax years start on the 6th April and end on the following 5th April.  P60's are issued by 31st May each year.

Please note occupational pension contributions are NOT shown on your P60.

You can access your P60s online, by logging into the HR dashboard on SUSSED.

How do I get a National Insurance number?

Anyone working in the UK should have a National Insurance number.  UK nationals are issued with their number automatically at age 16.  Non-UK nationals should apply for one.

To apply for an NI number you should make an appointment at the local Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) offices:

Jobcentre plus
St. Cross House
18 Bernard Street
SO14 2HP
Telephone: 0345 6000 643

I’m waiting for my NI Number to be issued, can I still be paid?

Providing you have the University evidence of your right to work in the UK, you can still be paid, even if you are waiting for your NI number to be issued. There will be no effect on the amount Tax or NI deductions taken from your pay.

What is the University’s PAYE Reference Number?

The University’s PAYE reference number with HMRC is 663/U1

What is the Payroll team responsible for?

The Payroll team is responsible for the timely and accurate payment of salaries, Casual claims and pensions to University staff and pensioners. The Payroll team is part of the Payroll and Pensions section within the Finance Department. The Payroll Team work closely with other areas of the Finance department, the Human Resources department and all other areas of the University.

Why am I paying National Insurance (NI)?

NI is a statutory deduction for most workers aged 16 to State Pension Age. It is calculated on your monthly earnings.
For further information on how NI is calculated please follow the link below.

Further information on State Pension ages can be found at:

Tax and NI fraud scams and phishing.

Please follow the link from HMRC for information on how to stay alert and avoid fraud scams and phishing:

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