If you die before your Normal Retirement Date and you were an Active Member at the time of your death, the following will be payable:
A lump sum of an amount equal to the value of:
- 3 x your annual Pensionable Salary at death, and
- A refund of the employee contributions (including and contributions paid via Salary Sacrifice)
A dependant's pension:
- For the first three months after your death - a dependent's pension equal to your monthly pensionable salary followed by a dependent's pension (1/160th x final pensionable salary pensionable service)
A child's pension, if you leave a child who:
- is below age 16 or
- is undergoing full-time education or vocational training and is below age 23
No more than two children can receive a child's pension at any one time. The amount payable to each child depends upon the number of children who are eligible and whether or not a pension is currently being paid to a dependant.
Pensionable Service will include the service that you could have completed had you remained an Active member of PASNAS up to Normal Retirement Date
The following benefits will be payable:
- A lump sum equal to the five year guarantee, plus
- A dependant's pension of 50% of your pension
The pension before any cash commutation will be used to determine the value of the dependant’s pension.
-A child's pension, which will be paid and determined in a similar way to that described in the first scenario above, except that the allowance is based on the pension you were actually receiving immediately before your death.