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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science
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Dr Maarten van Hardenbroek BSc, Msc, PhD

Visiting Researcher

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Dr Maarten van Hardenbroek is Visiting Researcher within Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton.

Maarten van Hardenbroek joined the Palaeoenvironmental Laboratory at the University of Southampton (PLUS) in 2013 as Research Fellow working on the NERC-funded project Lakes and the Arctic Carbon Cycle.


PhD Palaeoecology, Utrecht University (2007-2010)
MSc Quaternary Science, Royal Holloway and UCL, University of London (2005-2006)
BSc Environmental Science, Utrecht University (2002-2005)


2013-date University of Southampton (post-doc)
2011-2013 University of Bern (post-doc)

Maarten's Google Scholar research profile

Research interests

Maarten is interested in the effect of changing environmental conditions on lake ecosystems. He studies the invertebrate communities in lakes, because these organisms are very sensitive to changes in climate, nutrients, hydrology, pollutants, and several other environmental factors. Most of his research takes place at the interface between modern limnology and palaeolimnology, using stable isotope techniques and assemblage composition of living, subfossil and fossil invertebrates.

Research projects

Lakes and the Arctic Carbon Cycle

Crannogs and Celtic Connections

Research profile

Maarten's Google Scholar research profile

Research group

Palaeoenvironmental Laboratory at the University of Southampton (PLUS)

Affiliate research group

Aquatic Palaeoecology, University of Bern

Research project(s)

The role of lakes in the arctic carbon cycle (LAC) (NERC funded)

Dr Maarten van Hardenbroek
Building 44 University of Southampton University Road Southampton SO17 1BJ

Dr Maarten van Hardenbroek's personal home page
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