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The University of Southampton
Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences

Inaugural Lecture Series

Inaugural Lectures are an essential feature of faculty life, providing an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our distinguished academics who have recently been promoted to professorial positions, and to showcase the breadth and depth of the faculty’s outstanding research.

The Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences (FELS) continues to value the tradition, encouraging new Professors to deliver them, and all staff and students to attend.

Inaugural Lectures are a public event and open to everyone - you do not have to be an expert in the field to attend. The University extends the invitation to these lectures to all members of staff, students and their guests as well as our campus partners, and the local community.

Upcoming Inaugural Lectures

FELS Inaugural Lecture with Professor Jo Nield and Professor Ivo Tews

Thursday 10 April 2025 at 3:30pm, Highfield campus, Building 100.
Head and shoulders portrait images of Professors Jo Nield and Ivo Tews. Both professors are smiling directly at the camera
TLS: Telling Landscape Stories (or playing with laser patterns in deserts)
Professor Jo Nield (School of Geography and Environmental Science)
Protein crystallography, a journey into time and space
Professor Ivo Tews (School of Biological Sciences)

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FELS Inaugural Lecture with Professor Clive Trueman and Professor Dianna Smith

Wednesday 18 June 2025 at 3:30pm, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.
Head and shoulders portrait images of Professors Clive Trueman and Dianna Smith. Both professors are looking directly at the camera
Using chemistry to unveil the hidden lives of fishes
Professor Clive Trueman (School of Ocean and Earth Science)
Food aid and fish fingers: towards a fairer food system
Professor Dianna Smith (School of Geography and Environmental Science)

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FELS Inaugural Lecture with Professor Hanna Kovshoff and Professor Pete Worsley

Friday 20 June 2025 at 3:30pm, Highfield campus, Building 100.
Head and shoulders portrait images of Professors Hanna Kovshoff and Pete Worsley. Both professors are looking directly at the camera
Beyond the medical model: How neurodivigent voices changed the way I do autism research
Professor Hanna Kovshoff (School of Psychology)
Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Amputees: research at the interface between engineering and health
Professor Pete Worsley (School of Health Sciences)

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