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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

Money matters

You will need to pay, or indicate employer support of payment, for module or programme fees to the University. Applicants working within the NHS or other healthcare providers may be eligible for support with funding from their employer through the Learning Beyond Registration Contract arrangements with the Strategic Health Authority.

Applicants should seek further details from their employing organisation.

Pre-purchased places

The school has contractual arrangements for pre-paid places on specified modules with NHS organisations including:

Hampshire and Isle of Wight (South Central)

If you work within a Hampshire or Isle of Wight trust then you may be able to access pre-paid places. You should contact the relevant person or department within your trust to discuss their arrangements to support you. All application forms for pre-paid places must be signed by an authorised signatory from the trust. Should these prepaid places not be available for any reason we will advise you when we receive your registration form.

Other pre-purchased places

The school has contracts with various other NHS trusts and organisations to provide tailor-made study days and pre-paid places on modules to their employees. Application forms must be signed by an authorised signatory from the trust or organisation.

Further information is available from the Health Sciences post-qualifying admissions office or from the training and development departments within the trusts and organisations.

We welcome applications from self-funding students

For all modules which are not pre-purchased, a module payment form must be completed and returned along with your registration form. This form requires that payment be made in one of three ways:

  • By cheque for the full amount made payable to ‘University of Southampton'
  • By giving details of a credit or debit card for the full amount
  • By invoice to your employer or other sponsoring organisation - an official purchase order number must be provided along with the full invoicing address and the name, signature and position of an authorised person

A place cannot be guaranteed or confirmed until payment has been made as above.

Invoices cannot be raised for individual students where the student is paying the fees; payment must be made either by cheque or by credit/debit card using the payment form.

Cancellations must be received in writing by the post-qualifying admissions office at least 15 working days before the commencement date of the module and are not valid until confirmation of receipt is sent by the school. In such cases a refund of 90% of the module fee will be made. There will be no refund for cancellations not received in writing or received less than 15 days before the start of the module. In the case of pre-purchased NHS places, substitute students may attend at no additional charge, provided that notice and a completed registration form are received by the post-qualifying admissions office at least ten working days before the start of the module. Substitute students will not be accepted without this notice and registration form, and a pre-purchased place will therefore be deemed to have been used. Students who are unable to attend must in the first instance contact the authorised signatory in their trust or organisation who will then inform the school.

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