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Associate Professor Tracy Long-Sutehall PhD, MSc, BSc (hons), C.Psychol

Associate Professor

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Tracy  is an Associate Professor in the School of Health Sciences and a member of the Cancer and Life-Limiting Conditions (CALC)  Research Group . Tracy leads two research programmes which have generated an extensive body of knowledge related to: death and dying, post-death use of the body, end-of-life decision making,  tissue and organ donation, dying trajectories in critical and high care environments which is informing both clinical practice and national  policy.

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

After completing general and paediatric nurse training,  Tracy specialised in Paediatric Intensive Care at Great Ormond Street Sick Children's Hospital, London, where she led Paediatric Intensive Care Unit from 1987 – 1991. After 15 years in nursing Tracy completed degrees in Psychology and Health Psychology and spent five years undertaking clinical practice and research as a Transplant Psychologist at The Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital NHS Trust [Harefield site] Middlesex, UK.

Following a move into research in 2001 The last 19 years have been spent as a researcher and educator. In 2007 Tracy was invited to work with the National Health Service Blood and Transplant [NHSBT] Tissue Services as a consultant to support  service development and implementation of new family care initiatives. This consultancy has continued to generate key impacts and organisational change.

In 2010 Tracy  had three articles cited in the RCN's survey of most influential nursing research in the past 50 years and was awarded an NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

Advisory group membership:

UK Organ Donation and Transplantation Research Network (2019 – current)

NHS Organ Donation and Transplantation Paediatric Strategy development panel (2019- current)

National  Tissue and Eye  Eye procurement working party for National Health Service Blood and Transplant (NHSBT)(2012- 2017)

Member ELPAT  European Deceased Donation Working Party  (2011 - 2017 )

Visiting Professor, School of Public Health, Temple University, USA (2019 – current)

Adjunct Research Associate Graduate School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. 2016 – current

Research interests

My specific areas of research include:

  • Organisation, situational and contextual factors impacting  health care professionals end of life decision making across contexts of care.
  • Interpersonal, cultural, societal, interactional, situational, institutional; and ethical systems/processes/factors that impact the end of life decision making of bereaved family members.
  • Dying trajectories in the 21 Century including withdrawal of treatment and diagnosis of death in critical care and high care arenas.
  • Interpersonal, cultural, societal, interactional, situational, institutional; and ethical systems/processes/factors impacting the supply of solid organs and tissues for the use in transplant operations.
  • Implementation Science and translational research.

Research group

Cancer and Life Limiting Conditions

Research theme

Health Needs

Current active research project(s)

Eye Donation from Palliative and Hospice care contexts: investigating Potential, Practice, Preference and Perceptions (EDiPPPP) . This 36 month NIHR HSDR funded national study explores the issue of eye donation within palliative and hospice care settings.

Research group

Cancer and Life-Limiting Conditions (CALC)

Concluded studies

  • Barriers to Tissue Donation: What cognitive and emotional associations do bereaved family members bring to the multi-tissue and corneal request interview?
  • Parental experiences of care for children with a complex illness
  • End of Life Care in Intensive Care Settings: a case study approach
  • Exploring the views and experiences of critical care nurses when involved in providing and facilitating end of life care
  • Exploring the end of life decision-making and hospital experiences of families who did not donate organs or tissues for transplant operations
  • An investigation about transferring patients in critical care home to die: experiences, attitudes, population characteristics and practices
  • What are the barriers to organ donation and the factors that impact the decision of the bereaved family to give consent to organ donation?

Research project(s)

Eye Donation from Palliative and Hospice care contexts: investigating Potential, Practice, Preference and Perceptions (EDiPPPP)

  • Strategic development of research links, and leadership of academic initiatives with the National Health Service Blood and Transplant [NHSBT] Tissue Services division.
  • Inaugural Chair of Wessex Research Active Hospice Development Group (WRAhdG).
  • Research theme lead: Organ and Tissue Donation decision making; End of life in high technology environments.
  • Deputy module lead and child branch lead for the undergraduate dissertation module and child branch lead for the newly developed all pathway undergraduate research methods module.

PhD  studies:

  • An exploratory study into the impact of bereavement on how people organise and go about their daily routines.
  • Investigation into midwifery practice and decision making during the second stage of labour.
  • A study of the lived experiences of women during the menopausal transition. Submission of amendments due March 2020.
  • The lived experience of engaging with mindfulness in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of the experiences of adolescents and practitioners
  • Transferring people home to die from Chinese ICU's.
  • Organ donation behaviour: understanding the factors stimulating the decision to register as a potential organ donor in Malaysia.

Masters studies

  • MSc Empirical: Eye donation in the hospice setting: personal and system barriers to discussing this end of life option with patients and family members: an exploratory qualitative study.
  • MSc Empirical: An action research project to establish the training needs of call centre staff responding to calls from carers of those in the final year of life/post bereavement?
  • MSc Empirical: What are the information needs of informal carers, during the palliative phase of a non-cancer disease – An exploratory study
  • MRes:  Predicting Asystole in Potential Donation after Circulatory Death Donors: A Systematic Review of the Evidence and Knowledge Systematic review of tools to predict Circulatory death [DCD] in organ donation.
  • MRes: What are the views and experiences of bereaved family members who agreed to tissue donation after being approached via a specialist family approach?
  • MSc Empirical: Exploring  nurses’ knowledge, attitudes and feelings towards organ and tissue donation post DCD.
  • MSc Empirical:   What interventions are needed to encourage nurse lead donation discussions and referrals following death in the Emergency Department?
  • MSc Evidence Based Project: What structured communication tools and frameworks are available for healthcare practitioners in end of life discussions
  • MSc Evidence Based Project: Palliative Care for patients with a non-cancer diagnosis: a scoping review of Health Policy
  • MSc Evidence Based Project Organ Donation in India; scoping review
  • MSc Evidence Based Project: What factors influence deceased organ donation in china: a scoping review
  • MSc Evidence Based Project Challenges  in Provision of Palliative Care Service for Patients with Non-Cancer Diagnosis: Systematic Scoping review
  • MSc Evidence Based Project Factors informing the low levels of paediatric organ donation in relation to family barriers in PICU; a scoping review
  • MSc Evidence Based Project Palliative Care Needs Assessment Tools in the UK: A Scoping Review
  • MSc Evidence Based Project How are practitioners affected by parental presence during paediatric resuscitation and invasive procedures?
  • MSc Evidence Based Project Facilitators and barriers to introducing a neonatal organ and tissue donation pathway: A scoping review.
  • MSc Evidence Based Project: What evidenced interventions are available to Health Care Professionals for preparing parents whose child is undergoing cardiac surgery in the Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
  • MSc Evidence Based Project: What are the reported barriers to General Practitioners initiating core level palliative care for adults in the last year of life? A scoping review
  • MSc Evidence Based Project: What is the regulatory context surrounding verification of death by nurses, in the context of organ donation after circulatory death in the UK?
  • Teaching: I teach across undergraduate/ postgraduate/post registration programmes. My teaching commitments include: deputy module lead and child branch lead for the undergraduate dissertation module,  child branch lead for the newly developed all pathway undergraduate research methods module, and qualitative research lead for the cross nursing/AHP Critical Inquiry Masters module.
  • The Organ and Tissue Donation, Decision making, and Behaviour change Research Programme (OTDDBRP) is embedded in the undergraduate (adult branch) end of life care module, and PGDip (child branch) contexts of care module) thus ensuring research led educations provision that is unique to the SoHS.  My key aim in education is applying research to achieve improved health care.

Course and programme links

Current teaching and education is focussed on supporting students in developing research skills to underpin their clinical practice and academic studies. I teach on pre/post qualifying programmes and postgraduate programmes as a means of engaging students in both the art and science of research, articulating the importance of such skills to their future professional development and career progression.

Mentoring and supervisory roles at M and PhD level allow me to share my subject and methodological expertise whilst guiding novice researchers in their development.

Course and programme links

B735 BN (Hons) Bachelor of Nursing (Child)

PG Dip Nursing ( Adult , Child or Mental Health )

MRes Clinical and Health Research

Postgraduate Study Options

Associate Professor Tracy Long-Sutehall
University of Southampton Health Sciences Building 67 Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 67/4053

Associate Professor Tracy Long-Sutehall's personal home page
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