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The University of Southampton

Propositions in the wild: Towards a non-ideal theory of utterance content Event

15:00 - 17:00
9 May 2024
Online only

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Event details

Recent work in the philosophy of language has challenged idealisations of the ‘classical’ model of linguistic communication (Locke, Grice).

My talk targets a set of less-discussed idealisations about communicated contents that however have important consequences. These idealisations involve the assumption that contents are expressed by full declarative sentences, that they are uncentered and non-perspectival, and that they are independent of other attitudinal contents or referents.

I show that, while removing some of these assumptions, especially sententiality ad non-perspectivity, remains ontologically and semantically inconsequential. Removing others especially uncenteredness and independence, requires significant changes to our informational ontology.

I describe these changes and the resulting account of non-ideal(ised) utterance content. To support this account, I show that it has a number of useful applications. For example, to Floridi’s informational taxonomy, to Vendler’s puzzle about imagination, and to the debate about accuracy in episodic memory.

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