CII Online Art Gallery
View all of the images from 2014 and 2015 CII Imaging as Art Exhibitions
The case for imaging in the 21st century being computationally-led is compelling: computation is a core element of virtually all major imaging developments. This USRG brings together a broad spectrum of world class imaging activities across the University of Southampton.
The ability to exploit data processing/mining, visualisation, inverse modelling, large-scale computation and best practice in data handling produces fundamental changes in the information available, making computation a core element of virtually all major imaging developments. Southampton is well placed in supporting this reality of contemporary imaging. Commonality is identifiable across the Southampton activities in terms of both their computationally intensive nature and interdisciplinarity .
There are 3 co-chairs of the Computationally Intensive Imaging USRG; Jeremy Frey, Bill Brocklesby and Thomas Blumensath.
View all of the images from 2014 and 2015 CII Imaging as Art Exhibitions
The Computationally Imaging USRG (CII) mounted its yearly “Imaging as Art” show from 6-10th July 2015. Images from across the University were presented, with emphasis on their artistic rather than scientific nature.
The images were on show all week, with a drinks reception on Weds 8th July at 12 noon. where the owners of each of the images were on hand to explain the subject of the image, why the image was taken, and the significance of the image in relation to research.
The exhibition was a great success with over 200 people attending over the week.
Further details of the event and to view a selection of thumbnail images visit: https://southampton.likn.co/imaging/news/events/2015/07/8-cii-art-exhibition.page
You can also see them as well as the previous year's images in our online gallery - http://imaging-usrg.wix.com/southampton