Research project

Belonging and Research Culture

Project overview

To understand the factors which enable and impinge on a sense of belonging among PGR students at the University of Southampton.
The university has set a target of 75% of staff and students feeling that they strongly belong to the University. At present we have no baseline data for groups at the University, including PGRs. As part of a strategic objective to improve research culture, we are going to gather that baseline data among PGRs.


Lead researchers

Dr Valentina Cardo

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Valentina's research interests include:
  • The relationship between citizenship and identity;
  • Political representation;
Connect with Valentina

Professor Pathik Pathak

Professorial Fellow-Enterprise

Research interests

  • Antiracism
  • community development
  • critical race theory 
Connect with Pathik

Research outputs