Research project

Physics & Tech of Photonic Metadevices & Metasystems


Lead researchers

Professor Nikolay Zheludev

Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Connect with Nikolay
Other researchers

Dr Eric Plum

Principal Research Fellow
Connect with Eric

Professor David Richardson FREng, FRS

Research interests

  • Hollow Core Optical Fibres
  • Optical Communications
  • High Power Fibre Lasers
Connect with David

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Roman Bruck, Kevin Vynck, Philippe Lalanne, Ben Mills, David J. Thomson, Goran Z. Mashanovich, Graham Reed & Otto L. Muskens, 2016, Optica, 3(4), 396-402
Type: article
Eric Plum, Vassili A. Fedotov & Nikolay I. Zheludev, 2016, Applied Physics Letters, 108(14)
Type: article
Maria Papaioannou, Eric Plum, João Valente, Edward Rogers & Nikolay Zheludev, 2016, Light: Science & Applications, 5(4), 1-5
Type: article