Research project

PREDICT-NURSE - feasibility


Lead researchers

Dr Christina Saville MSc, PhD, AFORS

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Safe staffing
  • Operational research techniques applied to healthcare
  • Health workforce
Connect with Christina
Other researchers

Professor Peter Griffiths

Chair in Health Services Research

Research interests

  • Health workforce
  • Epidemiology
  • Nursing
Connect with Peter

Dr Paul Meredith PhD

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Healthcare workforce modelling.
  • Recognition of the Deteriorating Patient.
  • Healthcare informatics.
Connect with Paul

Dr Chiara Dall'ora

Associate Professor in Health Workforce

Research interests

  • Health workforce organisation
  • Shift work
  • Occupational health - burnout
Connect with Chiara

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs