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The University of Southampton
The India Centre for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development

Women in the Workforce: How big is the gender gap and why? Event

QRC Flyer
23 March 2023
Live via Zoom

Event details

Southampton-TISS-IIPS Quarterly Research Colloquium

10.00 am GMT | 3.30 pm IST


Globally, women have fewer opportunities to participate in income generation activities than men. Data from the World Bank/ILO suggests that the global gender gap in labour force participation has been widening and worsening since the Covid-19 pandemic. More generally, women are less represented in formal employment sectors and those who work remain vulnerable to wage discrimination and often fail to progress in their job careers. While the global trends and patterns are varied, in rapidly transitioning economies in South Asia such as India, women face considerable psychosocial and cultural barriers to participate in income generation, particularly in urban areas. Recent data show that the female labour force participation rates in India have fallen consistently to less than 20% when compared to its neighbours including Bangladesh (35%) and Nepal (over 75%). In the UK, just under 60% of women are actively involved in economic activities but the challenges and barriers are similar to many other nations.

Clearly, empowering women financially is critical for realising the economic growth especially in countries experiencing stages of demographic dividend. The EmbraceEquity theme of the 2023 International Women’s Day reminds us of a critical question – “why equal opportunities aren’t enough?”


The first Quarterly Research Colloquium (QRC) will discuss the influence of emerging rapid social, economic and demographic transitions on the widening gender gap in workforce in a cross-comparative perspective, examining the research evidence, policies and interventions in India, UK and globally.

A virtual roundtable will engage an international panel consisting of expert speakers who will share their views and reflections on the following key questions:

  1. What holds women back from being economically active in workforce? How big is the gender-gap?

  2. What are the cross-cutting challenges and barriers women face in the employment sector in a changing global economy and post-Covid context?

  3. How can we use research evidence to design gender-sensitive, equitable and inclusive policy interventions to enable women to actively participate in income generation including entrepreneurial and small business activities?

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