Journal Release: Active Control of an Acoustic Black Hole using a Feedback Strategy

ISLNE researchers have published a new journal paper: “Active Control of an Acoustic Black Hole using a Feedback Strategy”. The paper has been published with Gold Open-Access in the Journal of Sound and Vibration.
This article , co-authored by Dr Kristian Hook, Professor Steve Daley and Dr Jordan Cheer , presents an investigation into an Active Acoustic Black Hole beam termination where a remote damping feedback control strategy has been used to examine the trade-off between controlling the reflection coefficient of the termination and reducing the vibration level of the ABH taper.
The results have shown that when the reflected wave component is minimised, the vibration of the taper is considerably enhanced, which could increase fatigue and shorten the lifespan of the termination. These results were consistent with one of the group’s previous publications “ Active feedforward control of flexural waves in an Acoustic Black Hole terminated beam ”. Additionally, it has been shown that if the taper vibration level is minimised, the performance of the termination is significantly reduced. One solution, therefore, is to set a constraint on one of the error signals, maximising the control of either the reflected wave component or taper vibration level, whilst limiting the other error signal to an acceptable level.