Kenneth G. Wilson Award


To recognize outstanding contributions in lattice field theory.

The prize is given annually and will consist of a certificate citing the contributions of the recipient, a modest monetary award, and an invitation to present the cited work in a short plenary talk at the next International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. The registration fee for the conference will be waived.

The award recognizes outstanding physicists who are within seven years of completing their Ph.D. at the time of nomination, plus any career breaks. The research recognized could either be a single piece of work or the sum of several contributions.

Nominations should consist of a nominating letter, a seconding letter, and up to two supporting letters; the nominee’s CV; a list of relevant publications (up to ten). The nominating letter should include a proposed citation (one sentence) justifying the award. All letters should explain and justify why the nominee should receive the award.

Nominations will be considered for three years (or until receiving the award). Nominations of scientists from all nations are solicited. Self-nominations will not be considered. Recipients are not eligible for a second award.

For nominations submitted for the 2016 award, nominees must have received a PhD (or equivalent) after December 31, 2008 (with suitable adjustment in cases with career breaks). Nominations should be emailed to the Chair of the Selection Committee by

April 15th, 2016.

Selection Committee:
Hartmut Wittig (Chair) email: hartmut.wittig at
Shoji Hashimoto (Vice-Chair)
Gergely Endrödi (2014 recipient)
Anna Hasenfratz
Silas Beane

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