Plenary Programme

Monday 25/7

08:00 Registration
09:00 Welcome
09:15 Urs Wenger ITP Bern From Spin Models to Lattice QCD – the Scientific Legacy of Peter Hasenfratz
09:45 Chuan Liu Peking University Review on Hadron Spectroscopy
10:30 David Wilson DAMTP Cambdrige Resonances in Coupled-Channel Scattering
11:00 Tea and Coffee
11:30 Hartmut Wittig University of Mainz Hadronic Contributions to the Muon g-2 from Lattice QCD
12:15 Sergei Dubovsky NYU Towards a Theory of the QCD String
12:45 Lunch

Tuesday 26/7

09:00 Martin Savage University of Washington Nuclear Physics
09:45 Mike Endres MIT New Simulation Strategies for Lattice QCD
10:15 Shinji Takeda Kanazawa University Tensor Networks
10:45 Tea and Coffee
11:15 Sara Collins University of Regensburg Hadron Structure
12:00 Huey-Wen Lin Michigan State University From C to Parton Sea: Bjorken-x Dependence of the PDFs
12:30 Lunch

Thursday 28/7

09:00 Monika Blanke KIT Karlsruhe Impact of LQCD on CKM Phenomenology
09:45 Ran Zhou Fermilab Heavy Flavours
10:15 Amy Nicholson UC Berkeley Neutrinoless double beta decay from Lattice QCD
10:45 Tea and Coffee
11:15 Agostino Patella CERN / University of Plymouth QED Corrections to Hadronic Observables
12:00 KWA Panel Chair Presentation of 2016 Kenneth Wilson Award
12:30 Lunch

Friday 29/7

09:00 Heng-Tong Ding Central China Normal University LQCD @ Non-Zero Temperature and Density
09:45 Seyong Kim Sejong University Seoul Heavy Flavours at Finite Temperature
10:15 Kurt Langfeld University of Plymouth/Liverpool Density of States
10:45 Tea and Coffee
11:15 Aleksi Kurkela CERN Phenomenology of Heavy Ions and LQCD
12:00 Hiroshi Suzuki Kyushi University Energy Momentum Tensor
12:30 Lunch

Saturday 30/7

09:00 Claudio Pica University of Southern Denmark Beyond the Standard Model: Charting Fundamental Interactions via Lattice Simulations
09:45 Enrico Rinaldi LLNL Strongly Interacting Dark Matter
10:15 David Kaplan University of Washington A New Perspective on Chiral Gauge Theories
10:45 Tea and Coffee
11:15 Tony Hey STFC Richard Feynman, Data Intensive Science and the Future of Computing
11:45 Peter Boyle University of Edinburgh Machines and Algorithms
12:30 Closing Remarks
13:00 Conference Closes


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