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The University of Southampton
The Learn With US Transition Programme

Katrina Lueddeke  

Academic Skills Manager (Pre-Entry)

Katrina is the pre-entry Academic Skills Manager and leads the Learn with US Transition team which sits within the Enhancement team of the University’s Widening Participation and Social Mobility directorate.

After completing a BSc in Psychology with Criminology, Katrina qualified as a teacher and worked as a college lecturer in Further Education (FE) for over a decade. Alongside teaching both Psychology and Criminology, Katrina completed her MSc in Education in 2021. Her MSc research explored the impact of positive teacher-student relationships and student engagement on academic achievement and student retention in FE.

With a social sciences background, Katrina has a passion for all things research! Teaching research methods as part of A-level Psychology gave her a sound understanding of students’ learning as they developed their research skills.

Katrina appreciates the value that project learning brings to both individual students and the wider society. She is committed to developing students’ academic research skills, particularly supporting students from underrepresented backgrounds as they complete their research-based qualifications.



Katrina Lueddeke
The Learn with US Transition Programme, George Thomas Building 37, Room 4113 University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 37/4113

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