Presenting your work in front of an audience can be a daunting experience. However, good presentation skills are highly sought after and are likely to be a feature of your Higher Education experience, as well as future job application processes and, often, everyday working life.
Public speaking, for some people, is extremely nerve-wracking. However, the more that you have an opportunity to present, the less it becomes a worry, and it sets you up with an important transferable skill for your time at university, and as you venture into the job market. One of the key parts of delivering a successful presentation is being thoroughly prepared beforehand - think about the format and content of your presentation, the logistics of the event, and practice your delivery beforehand. Our academic guide Getting your Point Across can help you think about the planning and delivery of your presentation.
For the EPQ and other project qualifications, you may be asked by your EPQ teacher to produce a PowerPoint presentation to accompany your written report. This is unlikely to be any longer than a 15-20 minute talk. When thinking about the PowerPoint part of the presentation, you need to ensure that you are selective about what you include - it can be easy to use too many slides, too much text etc.
Alternatively, you may be asked to produce a 'marketplace' presentation for your EPQ. This means that instead of doing a presentation to an audience using a PowerPoint, you will design a stand or academic poster . A marketplace is a great opportunity for interactivity, so it could be useful to generate some ideas as to how you can make your stand as interesting as possible for those walking around.
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