LibGuides homepage
Guidance on the library's services, physical and digital collections
The University Library has a comprehensive collection of books and journals, both electronic and print, available from the Hartley and other campus libraries, plus a range of services to support teaching and research across all areas of the University.
Our LibGuides pages offer extensive resource guides for each subject, information on our services and sites, study skills support, information for researchers (including how to publish an open access paper, make the best use of metrics and plan your research data management), plus links to our online resources.
Library Search is our Library catalogue - search for print and ebooks, recall books that are on loan and check your current loans. You can also request books and articles that are not held by the library.
Please see LibGuides for details of any service outages.
Guidance on the library's services, physical and digital collections
With subject guides, service, and site information and resource links, LibGuides is where you'll find everything you need to make best use of the Library. Find out how we can help you develop your study skills and search online resources effectively, and how we can support your research with information on open access, research data management, and bibliometrics.
Guidance on what services we are offering in our library buildings.
The Manuscript Collections focus on a range of areas, most notably the political, military and official papers of individuals such as the first Duke of Wellington, Lord Palmerston and Earl Mountbatten of Burma, and the extensive Anglo-Jewish Archives. The Printed Special Collections include the Parkes Library focusing on Jewish/non-Jewish relations, the Cope Collection on Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and the Perkins Agricultural Library.
ePrints Soton is the University's Research Repository. You can search and discover details on journal articles, books, PhD theses, conference papers, data, reports, working papers, art exhibitions and more. Where possible the research outputs are made available globally.