SIMM Data Science Event
- Time:
- 10:00 - 13:30
- Date:
- 23 May 2012
- Venue:
- Mathematics Lecture Theatre 4A
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Sarah Dack on +44 (0) 23 8059 2522 x22522 or email [email protected] .
Event details
Southampton Initiative in Mathematical Modelling

This event will bring together researchers and practitioners to share ideas on data science and to learn about current research at the University of Southampton on modern data analysis and the mathematics of large data structures.
The Southampton Initiative in Mathematical Modelling (SIMM) represents researchers in the Mathematical Sciences at Southampton and facilitates and encourages collaborative research with other disciplines, industry and government bodies.
Attendance is free
Coffee from 10.00
“From Data to Decisions: The Power of Information in
the Age of the Web of Data”
Nigel Shadbolt (ECS)
“Spatio-Temporal Modelling: Confidentiality and
Sujit Sahu & Robin Mitra (S3RI & Maths)
“Spectral Analysis of Data”
Ruben Sanchez (Maths)
11.50: “Risk and Opportunity Management of Huge-Scale
Online Communities”
Thanos Avramidis (Maths)
12.15: “Mathematics of Data Sets”
Jacek Brodzki (Maths)
12.40: Lunch: academic-business networking & posters
Speaker information
Professor Nigel Shadbolt,'Nigel Shadbolt is Professor of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the University of Southampton and Head of the Web and Internet Science Group. He is a Director of the Web Science Trust, and of the Web Foundation - both organisations have a common commitment to advance our understanding of the Web and promote the Web's positive impact on society.'
Dr Sujit Sahu,Dr Sujit Sahu says of his research 'I am interested in practical Bayesian modelling and computation for understanding and interpreting large and complex data sets. Such data sets may arise from systems that vary over space, time or both, and may be multi-variate, mis-measured and spatially mis-aligned and may also contain missing observations. The primary aim of my research is to reduce uncertainty in inferential statements by developing predictive Bayesian models for the quantities of interests.'
Dr Robin Mitra,Dr Robin Mitra says about his research 'My main areas of research are in multiple imputation approaches to problems in missing data and data confidentiality.'
Dr Ruben Sanchez Garcia,Dr Ruben Sanchez Garcia research interests include pure mathematics.
Dr Thanos Avramidis,Dr Thanos Avramidis says about his research 'Stochastic (Monte Carlo) simulation is an extremely general, flexible, and conceptually appealing technique, used in a wide variety of problems arising in science, engineering, and business. One drawback of simulation is its inefficiency, i.e., the lack of accuracy in answers relative to the computing time. My early research emphasized the development and rigorous analysis of techniques for increasing the efficiency of general-purpose stochastic simulation experiments, including: using auxiliary known information (control variates); exploiting the controlled experimental environment to integrate variance reduction techniques such as Latin hypercube sampling, control variates,and conditioning; and correlation-induction techniques for quantile estimation.'
Professor Jacek Brodzki,Professor Jacek Brodzki says about his research 'I am fascinated by interactions between analysis and geometry. My current work revolves around problems in noncommutative geometry arising from the Baum-Connes conjecture, including characterisations of property A, exactness of groups and their consequences, and it is carried out mostly in collaboration with members of the research group Analytic and Geometric Methods in Group theory at Southampton.'