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The University of Southampton

Professor Robert Peveler MA, DPhil, BM, BCh, FRCPsych

Professor of Liaison Psychiatry

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Professor Robert Peveler is Professor of Liaison Psychiatry within Medicine at the University of Southampton.

Trained in medicine and psychiatry in Oxford. Held posts as Wellcome Trust Research Fellow and Clinical Lecturer in Psychiatry in Oxford 1987-1991.
Appointed as Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry in Southampton 1992.
Promoted to Clinical Reader (1996) and Professor (1999).
Non-Executive Director Hampshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 2005-2011.
Clinical Co-director of Hampshire/Isle of Wight Comprehensive Local Research Network since 2010.


BA Physiological Sciences Oxford 1976
MA Physiological Sciences Oxford 1980
D Phil Physiological Sciences Oxford 1980
BM BCh Clinical Medicine Oxford 1982

Member Royal College of Psychiatrists 1986
Fellow Royal College of Psychiatrists 1997

Research interests

Principal Investigator NIHR Programme Grant (“PRIMROSE”) jointly with colleagues at UCL, investigating risk of cardiovascular disease in people with severe and enduring mental illness.


Clinical and Experimental Sciences

Affiliate Department(s)

Clinical Neuroscience Research group

Principal Investigator NIHR Programme Grant (“PRIMROSE”) jointly with colleagues at UCL

Clinical Co-director Hants/IOW CLRN

Professor Robert Peveler
Faculty of Medicine, Room AB215, Mailpoint 801, South Academic Block, University Hospital Southampton, Tremona Road, Southampton, SO16 6YD

Room Number: 123 Coll. Keep//N2

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