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The University of Southampton
Micro and Nano Therapies

Dr Antonio De Grazia PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

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Antonio is a Senior Research Assistant within the multidisciplinary MiNaTher group at University of Southampton. His main research interests are microfluidics applied to life sciences (cells and bacteria) and fluorescence imaging. His current project with Dr. Dario Carugo focuses on the development of stent-on-a-chip to mimic biofilm infection in occluded urinary stents.

He obtained his BSc degree (2013) in Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering at Università Magna Græcia di Catanzaro (Catanzaro, Italy) and his MSc degree (2015) in Materials Science and Engineering at KAUST (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia). For his Master programme, Antonio developed a novel microfluidic device to analyse single cells through Raman spectroscopy under the supervision of Prof. Enzo Di Fabrizio and Dr. Gerardo Peroziello.

Antonio is finishing a PhD at the University of Southampton under the supervision of Dr. Maurits de Planque (Electronics and Computer Science) and Dr Nick Evans (Medicine). The aim of the project was to develop a microfluidic platform to characterise by image analysis heterogeneous bone marrow sub-populations (such as skeletal stem cells) and image subcellular details in cells during nanoparticle delivery processes.

Research interests

  • Microfluidics applied to life sciences
  • Fluorescence microscopy and image analysis

Research group

Bioengineering Science

Affiliate research group

Micro and Nano Therapies (MiNaTher)

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Dr Antonio De Grazia
Micro and Nano Therapies (MiNaTher),
Bioengineering Science Research Group,
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences,
University of Southampton Highfield Campus,
Southampton, SO171BJ, UK
Room Number: 5/3019
Dr Antonio De Grazia's personal home page
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