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The University of Southampton

Free online courses and MOOCs

Take the opportunity to sample learning with us with our free online learning packages. From MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) to iTunes University, you can study where and when it suits you, and it's all free of charge.

Click on the links to jump down the page and find out how to start learning now.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

What is a MOOC?

A massive open online course (MOOC) is a free study programme designed to be studied online by large numbers of students. In addition to the usual course materials such as video lectures, reading material, coursework and tests, MOOCs provide forums that help students and tutors build an online community.

University of Southampton MOOCs

Research project

Research project

A step by step guide to shaping your research project for EPQ or IB. Open for registration.

Digital Accessibility

Digital Accessibility

Understand how accessible technologies can help people with sensory, physical and cognitive impairments. Open for registration.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing

Get to grips with the latest trends in digital marketing. Register your interest.

Web science

Web science

Investigate the origins and development of the Web. Register your interest.

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University of Southampton on iTunes U

Watch and listen to free-to-download video and audio content on our iTunes U channel . You can learn about a range of academic subjects, our world-leading research activity and university life.

About iTunes U

iTunes U is a channel within the iTunes store, Apple’s online digital media store. You can download educational content for free using the iTunes software straight to your PC or Mac, iPad, iPod and iPhone.

Install iTunes

Before downloading our content, you will first need to install the iTunes application. Visit the Apple website to download and install the iTunes application.

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Podcast library

Visit our Podcast library to listen to lectures and talks on a wide range of topics, recorded by our Lifelong Learning team so you can listen where and when suits you.

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