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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention


Map showing members of the Global NAMRIP steering committee

Global NAMRIP is currently an unfunded network at the University of Southampton, formed from NAMRIP , the Global Health Research Institute ( GHRI ), and partner organizations around the world. Our partners include the INDEPTH Network, which is a network of 43 member centres in 20 Low/Middle Income Countries (LMICs) in Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Our Steering Group:

We wish to support measures (e.g. vaccination, diet, education, and infection prevention) that will reduce the use of therapeutic agents, and address the use and stewardship of antimicrobials. The O’Neill report (commissioned by the UK Government) states:-

“by 2050, 10 million lives a year and a cumulative 100 trillion USD of economic output are at risk due to the rise of drug resistant infections.”

As with most pandemics the highest toll will be in low and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The network is currently unfunded, but is seeking support to enable UK researchers, healthcare workers and vets, industry, food producers and policy-makers, to meet with knowledgeable contacts from LMICs so that we can:-

Although we have good lines of electronic communication in Global-NAMRIP, we are seeking funding to enable face-to-face meetings, workshops, outreach and public engagement, exchanges and travel. Through these we will formulate the research questions, and identify the opportunities for advances, and the right partnerships to make and test those advances.

Global-NAMRIP is as yet unfunded as a network, and we are seeking funds to enable us to meet up and start collaborations, identifying the correct problems and possible solutions through our networking, and funding major research programmes, by the end of 2017. In the meantime we have raised funds for our first innovation and pump-priming projects:

‘StarHealer: Project Navrongo’ (Ghana)

‘Development and evaluation of new technology to treat minor trauma in community-based healthcare’ (with CHAG, Ghana)

‘Application of rapid antimicrobial resistance surveillance and serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae in developing countries using novel genome sequencing technology’ (with UniSZA, Malaysia)

‘Microbial pathogen detection in ocular infection using microfluidic impedance flow cytometry’ (with Lighthouse, Kenya and Christian Medical College, Vellore, India)

‘Integrating the 3-dimensional bioelectrospray cell culture model with a microfluidic platform to model real-time physiological changes’ (with African Health Research Institute, South Africa and Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India)

Addressing Drivers of Resistant Sepsis in Africa ’ (with Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Ethiopia)

Tackling AMR at the interface of food production and public health in Low and Middle Income Countries ’ (with University of Cape Town; and Centre for Social Research, University of Malawi)

Partnership in demographics and geographic surveillance for AMR between NAMRIP and Navrongo Health Research Centre in Ghana

' Water disinfection in Low/Middle Income Countries by bubble activity ’ (with Turin)

‘Commonwealth Scholarship Commission Professional Fellowship link to the InDepth network, 2017' (Ghana)

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