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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

NAMRIP talk to University of the Third Age

Published: 25 March 2019
Professor Tim Leighton

Professor Leighton, Chair of Global-NAMRIP, gave a talk to members of the Salisbury branch of the University of the Third Age (U3A) on 25th March 2019. He covered the role and mission of Global-NAMRIP, including his recent trip to Uganda and, last year, to Accra in Ghana. He also featured his own ultrasonic inventions for infection prevention, wound healing, food safety and his research visit last year to Navrongo in Ghana and aspiration to raise funds to equip the clinics and first responders there with his ultrasonic inventions to reduce newborn fatalities and improve healthcare for mothers.

The U3A is a worldwide organisation. In the UK there are some 400,000 members. It is intended to cater for people who are no longer in full-time employment, generally because they are retired.

Professor Leighton’s talk to the “Spire U3A”, held at Harnham Memorial Hall, was at the invitation of the Science and Technology Group (a mixed group, some do not have a background in Science or Technology, while a number have retired from the NHS, Porton Down Research Establishment, or various branches of the Military).

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